Can’t you just smell those digital tracks? Oh, they are there. I don’t care if he’s using DuckDuckGo or Incognito Mode, you can find something.
Do you have access to your cheater’s laptop or desktop? Do you have access to their phone?
Um, you are going to have to come up with a plan to do that.
If you do not have access then yours needs to suddenly break so you have a reason to use theirs. Take your computer “to get repaired” so you can use theirs. “Loose your phone,” so you can use theirs. Get their unlock codes during the day and snoop around on them at night. One has to be creative and patient to dig around in this area. When they are sleeping, you are digging. Suggest some cocktails, sex, whatever to get them sleeping like a baby, so you can snoop around like Betty Draper.
Do they keep their phone on their night stand? They fall asleep and you grab that sucker even if you have to crawl across the floor to snag it. If they wake, well you just wanted some of their water, or make sure the TV remote is on their night stand so you can say I could not sleep and want to watch TV. Or put the Tums on the night stand ahead of time and say I have indigestion…Whatever, the point is you always need to have an explanation handy in case you get nabbed. You know like they do.
Computer or Laptop
Important!!! When you start logging into websites there is a very good chance the their email or phone is going to receive some warning or notification that the account was signed into or an attempt was made. Turn the volume down on the computer and on the phone. Who cares if you have to reset the password to access the account. You don’t have to disclose that you are the reason why that had to reset it again.
You may or may not come up with some activity here, but it is worth a peek.
Yes, the personals were discontinued in 2018, but there still is a ton of history stored under their sign on for any ad that they placed before the shut down. FYI Craigslist personals is alive and well and now under the guise of “missed connections.”
Now once you access their craigslist account look under their history tab. You may be surprised at the ads you see.
PC Cookies
Take the following steps to review the websites visited:
Chrome Browser
- Review the Chrome cookies which may be incredible long. You may be better off printing these out and reviewing with your coffee and Metamucil wafer cookies in the morning.
- Review the passwords stored in the Chrome browser as follows:
- Take this opportunity to make sure that their chrome is set up to sync across all devices
- Sign in to the Cheater’s google account on your computer and delete any warnings that was sent to the phone via a notification or to their email. Use their phone to retrieve any codes sent for the 2 step verification.
- Make sure you indicate to remember this device if prompted on your machine.
- Sign into chrome under cheater’s sign on your machine.
Search bar memory
Put cursor in the URL fields and start typing alphabet letters into the search field one by one.
Put in a and see what displays from the search history, then overwrite the a with a b, the b with a c… and just see if any interesting searches or web sites pop up.
Google Voice
Do they have gmail and is it open, or do they have google and they are signed in? If you are signed in as them to google, then take a look and see if they are utilizing Google Voice. Go to and snoop around there.
Visited Sites
Since both Chrome and Bing often are set up to auto fill, visit some other popular sites for email like, and see if that shows you anything.
Google Play
Visit and see what apps are installed on their phone under “My Apps”
Google Messenger
If they happen to use this for their SMS, Enable “Messages for Web” on their phone in that messages app.
Go to their phone settings and disable notifications for this app.
While you have access to their google account,