The letter to Robert’s brother, Joseph. A sex addict who worked hard to not be one and continues the work. Dear Joseph, I thought that you, more than anyone else, may one day get through to Robert that what he has done to me is...
Month: June 2021
Like Tupperware, simply store aside the part that you are a mother fucking cheating bastard and hey, your integrity is protected. Now that your deceit is neatly stowed away, you sincerely can be appalled in solidarity with the rest of your family at your son...
I guess I will never have this arrangement completely understood. Most of the info came from the cheater so between his shreds of the truth and what I picked up on the emails, I have tried to connect the slimy dots. So he had an...
Takes around 3 months for the really bad stuff to show up, so I waited to do my panel. I really splurged on this one. It was called “STD Panel, Comprehensive.” I guess I should thank my STBX for helping me to really get my...
No Matter how well I think I am doing, at some point it never fails, always, always, I crash. Every day. Maybe once, maybe many more. It all still brings me way way down. The ball of grief slowly pulls from my stomach to my...